Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Syncing Plaxo with Skype

I dropped Vonage recently due to some inflexibility on their part and instead picked up Skype.  Since I just bought a new imac, I'm going through alot of syncing issues. Notably, I installed plaxo for mac. It synced plaxo with my mac address book but now I cant figure out how to get these contacts into skype so i dont have to do alot of copy/paste when i want to call someone up.

by the way, ive got a bluetooth headset that syncs directly with my mac.  so when i make a call using skype, i can hear it in my headset. it's nifty.  there's even some programs out there that let you record your conversations...for training purposes of course. 

in any case, looking for some insights on how to get this syncing taken care of.  i checked plaxo's forums and found this thread.

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