Thursday, January 31, 2008

Delete Duplicate Contacts in Outlook 2003

Let's see if we understand your problem.  You've got tons of contact databases spread all over various email, mobile, crm and social networking sites.  Each entity brings with it new contacts you don't have in any of your other databases. Inevitably, you end up with duplicate contacts.  So, you think to yourself, why not try one of those "duplicate remover" tools.   So you either opt for Outlook's built in functionality or you buy a tool or subscribe to Plaxo's premium

but you run these widgets and invariably, you worry you're going to delete something important. Maybe you put a note in both copies of a contact. how do you merge these things anyway?   Then reality hits because your quota is hanging over your head. 

Well, if you opt to go low tech and you want to focus just on Outlook, here's how they prescribe the solution.  

I want you to focus on the concept of Available fields and adding not only the Modified field, which shows you when you last modified that contact but also...if you're like me and you worry about notes....add the Notes field too.   Now you can fairly rapidly scan through contacts and delete as you go. 

Wait a second, it would be better if you could hire someone to do this for you. yes, they are out there too. Reducing the value of this blog.  But isnt that the world we want to live in?

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